Tournament Rules

Atlanta Season Finale Hosted by Lazers Soccer Club

Tournament Rules


All Players must play at least a half of a game.  Result: Possible removal from the current tournament and/or future tournaments.


Teams MUST be registered to and affiliated with their State, Provincial, or National organization, which are in turn affiliated with FIFA.  This tournament is for recreation teams affiliated with US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, & USSSA.  Players must be legally registered to their team in accordance with their National registration requirements with a current and valid player pass that verifies their name and birth date.  No player shall be allowed to participate on two (2) or more teams during tournament play.  For this tournament, the age classifications are:

Age Group Born Between And
8U 1/1/2017 12/31/2018
10U 1/1/2015 12/31/2016
12U 1/1/2013 12/31/2014
14U 1/1/2011 12/31/2012
16U 1/1/2009 12/31/2010
19U 1/1/2006 12/31/2008


FIFA Laws of the Game will apply as modified by the USYSA and GYSA as described herein.

Duration of Games, by halves (all halftimes are 5 minutes in length) and Ball Size is as follows:

Age Group Game Half Length Game Format Ball Size
8U  25 minutes 5v5 3
10U 30 minutes 7v7 4
12U 30 minutes 9v9 4
14U 35 minutes 11v11 5
16U 35 minutes 11v11 5
19U 35 minutes 11v11 5


  • Indirect Kick-ins will replace throw-ins for all balls that go out of bounds on the sidelines.
  • Goal Box - No player may touch the ball within the goal box, however any player may move through the goal box. Any part of the ball or player's body on the line is considered in the goal box; the player is an extension of the box. If a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a goal is awarded to the offensive team. If the defender OR the ball is in the box and contact is made, a goal is awarded. If an offensive player touches the ball within the goal box, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. If the ball comes to a complete stop in the goal box, regardless of which team touched it last, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. 
  • No offsides


Build Out Line – Players will be required to retreat to the MIDFIELD line on goal kicks only. There will be no extra build out line on the field or in play at any other time. 


  • All judgment decisions of the referee are final and binding.
  • The Tournament Committee, and all sponsors and organizers, will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team or club if the tournament is cancelled in whole or part.
  • In the event that the tournament is completely cancelled due to weather or other natural cause, teams will receive a partial refund of their entry fee. The actual amount will be determined once tournament expenses have been deducted but will be at least 50% of the entry fee.
  • The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the tournament and its judgment is final.
  • Official State YSA rosters, player identification/registration cards, and permits to travel must be presented at tournament registration. Rosters must be originals or State YSA approved copies with an original official State YSA stamp or embossed certification on the roster.
  • Awards for the top two teams (i.e. 1st & 2nd) shall be awarded immediately following the championship game.


Teams shall be grouped in brackets by competitive parity as much as possible.

The following point system shall be used during the event: Win = 3 Points, Tie = 1 Point, Loss = 0 Points

In the event that two or more teams in a bracket have an equal number of points, the following TIEBREAKER rules apply as needed:

  • Head-to-Head Competition
  • Goal Differential (maximum goal differential +/- 4 per game)
  • Fewest Goals Allowed
  • FIFA Penalty Kicks

A game will consist of two (2) halves of the above noted time allotments based on age division. Overtime periods will be used to decide winners of semi-final or championship games.  FIFA Penalty Kicks will decide games, if the game is still tied after the overtime period. Only players that were in the game at the end of the overtime period will be allowed to take penalty kicks. In group play, there will be no overtime periods and ties will stand. Overtime periods will be as follows:

Game Type

Over Time Period


Two 5 minute halves

Both overtime halves will be played in their entirety


Two 5 minute halves

Both overtime halves will be played in their entirety


A team shall be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period from their scheduled game time before a forfeit will be awarded to the opponent. 


Prior to the start of each scheduled game, each team will have their equipment and uniforms checked by the referee.

  • Player pass cards and tournament approved State Roster turned into the Field Marshal.
  • Both teams will occupy the same side of the field with parents and spectators situated on the opposite side of the playing field.

Please wait until the team before you has vacated the team bench you are about to use.


Immediately upon completion of each game;

  • Coaches must sign the completed game card with the Field Marshal.
  • Failure to sign the Game Report Card will be noted in the team standings as a loss to the team whose coach was responsible for this action. 

Also, as a courtesy to the game that is starting directly after you, please vacate the bench area immediately after the game.  If you are going to give a speech to your team or warm them down, please do it off the playing field and to the side, as to not delay the start of the next game.  Also, all teams should clean up their bench area after their game.  Please pick up all bottles, cups, tape, ice bags, orange peels and trash from the ground and place them in the trash receptacles located at each field.  Please help keep the team areas clean, Thank You!


Substitutions are free and unlimited at any stoppage of play – WITH PERMISSION and at the discretion of the referee. Goal Kick, Corner Kick, Indirect Free Kick, etc., however, if you believe that a team is abusing substitutions, you do have the discretion to not permit it. (including overtime)

In order to keep the games moving, please have your players at midfield when calling for a substitution.  Substitutions shall not enter the field of play until the player he/she is replacing has left the field and only at the direction of the referee.  He/she shall enter the field during the stoppage of play at the midfield line.  


  • All screw in studs will be ruled on at the field by the referee for safe play. 
  • With the exception of the goalkeeper, all players must have uniforms with individual numbers on the shirt. The goalkeeper’s shirt shall be easily distinguishable from all other players and from the referee. 
  • No plastic or metal jewelry of any kind (excluding protective eyeglasses) may be worn.  
  • Shin guards are required for all players. Players wearing casts will not be allowed to play.
  • The home team will wear their dark uniform (Black, Navy Blue, Red, etc.) jerseys and socks.  The away team will wear white jerseys and white socks. 


Each team will only be allowed a total of three (3) coaches on the sidelines.  All coaches must be registered to the team and noted.  All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, friends and spectators at all times.  Coaching from the sidelines (giving direction to one’s own team on points of strategy, positioning and positive reinforcement) is permitted, provided:

  • No mechanical devices are used;
  • The tone of voice is instructive and not derogatory;
  • No coach, substitute, or spectator shall make any derogatory remarks, use profanity, incite any disruptive behavior, or gestures toward the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectators

The Tournament Director(s) and Field Marshals on duty have the authority to remove any person(s) from the tournament for ‘intolerable behavior’.  


A player receiving two (2) cautions (yellow cards) in a single game will be ejected from the match.  A player who has been ejected (sent off) will not be replaced.  A player who has been ejected will not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game.  As per USYSA Rule 2106- any player and/or official ordered from the field of play shall be suspended for one (1) game and subject to further discipline as defined in GYSA Section 500 Punitive Measures.


The Site Director may call the game at his discretion.  In order to keep to the scheduled start times, the Site Director has the ability to end the game at his discretion, as long as the game is in the second half.  If in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench coaches, or spectators, the offending team(s) could be suspended from further play and forfeits that game and all remaining games.  All previous points earned remain as played.  Additionally, the home league and State Association will be contacted as appropriate. Matches that, for one reason or another, do not reach half time will be considered a 0-0 tie.


  • For weather, we will delay games for at least 20 minutes until any inclement weather has passed. 
  • Once the weather has passed, we will resume play. 
  • If delays are substantial, we will look to shorten games by 10 minutes a match. 
  • If the rest of the day is rained out, we will modify the schedule to include matches determined by penalties, to determine winners for those matches that were completely rained out. 

The Tournament Director reserves the right to change, reschedule and/or cancel any game and/or round of games should the tournament be affected by inclement weather, play ability of fields or Acts of God.  In the event changes do occur, each team should have submitted at Registration a Team Emergency Contact Information Form. The person noted on this form will become the person the tournament committee will contact.  Please make every effort to have correct information on this form at time of Check-In.  Also you will be given a contact number at Registration and Check-In, where you may dial in should you somehow not hear from the tournament committee or have any questions.


The Home Team will be the team, which appears first on the game schedule.  The Home Team will supply the game ball.  The game ball will be subject to Referee approval.  The home team will wear their dark uniform (Black, Navy Blue, Red, etc.) jerseys and socks.  


Teams failing to report ready to play at forfeit time, Home Team unable to supply alternate jerseys, or teams failing to check in at the Mandatory Registration & Check-In or for taking actions which cause a game to be terminated will forfeit the game(s) 3-0.  The same point total will be awarded for a bye.  In preliminary rounds, all points earned in a crossover game will contribute to a team’s total points ONLY for consideration for a Wild Card Berth.


There will be no protests. 


  • The Atlanta Recreation Season Finale Tournament Committee, PTCYSA/Lazers and tournament sponsors, WILL NOT be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team due to cancellation of the tournament.
  • The Atlanta Season Finale Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all tournament matters within guidelines set by USYSA and GYSA.